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2. Its getting serious to him and he is now doubting and trying to figure out if this is what he wants. This can go into fear of commitment category
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1) Less time spent together
Guy A: 27
Not sure what to tell you about getting him to go away. Block him on your phone?
Super freaky. Love to get it on. Single 40s no children. Will trave.
Sparkling eyes and big soft lips with flawless skin! Yowzers!
I am joking, but no I really am still not seeing them.
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I think he is trying to get you to break up with him, give him what he wants....
It's funny how people think they can force decisions on you.
When there was no change... I cut contact.
Here's the simple litmus test for confident vs cocky:
I wonder if I am really screwed up or if anyone else is like this. I am 52 and all my life I have been like this. I am very attracted to women, think they are sexy, beautiful, gorgeous etc. However, I will be interested in someone and pursue them vigourously, but as soon as I think they are interested, I will lose romantic interest.
So two weeks ago he started emailing and calling again and finally he said he will be in town last week (working at my office building) for two days and he invited me for lunch. I said yes because I am stupid and because I really wanted to be friends and give him time without being nagging. And then he cancelled the same day and as I was not replying to his messages he came back gain and again saying he was really sorry. I told him that I understand he doesn't care and to leave me alone.
Everytime it gets frustrating as I don't know how she feels about or if she wants. But Everytime were around friends, we laugh and joke like always. And she always bring scenarios about if we were together this would happen and that, and it makes me smile.
Admins, I miss two features from the old JBG site: autoloading the next latest upload after voting, and NOT knowing how well an upload has scored before placing my vote.
Now I'm just really anxious to hear from her. If shes really going home for dinner then i should hear from her soon. And it sucks not being able to call her because i know it would be a huge mistake.
Both are perfect!