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Of course, if I could tell you where you could find that Someone Else, I would tell you, like I would tell anyone who asked / asks / will ask this question, but I don't have the answer to give you. You have to keep trying different avenues until someday, somehow it happens. And I hope you do. You're just starting in this realm having been out of junior high school. Keep moving forward.
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Dancing at clubs is something I've always despised, even more than just dancing which I'll never do anyway.
OK while I realize that certain things come with the territory, my biggest problem with internet dating is that I have guys drop me for a girl that they think is "better" in their minds. I'm not clingy, I don't demand that the guy calls me every waking moment and I DEFINITELY am not desperate because I have a lot of things going on in my life to keep busy. But I keep running into the same scenario each time! I start dating a guy, then a month or so into it, he loses interest, gets too busy and then I find out that he was dating some other girl at the time and liked her better. I don't get this, I understand that timing is everything but I seriously must just keep hitting rough patches.
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