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Look as a guy with quite a few female friends- Unless he's gay and/or doesn't find your wife attractive at all there will be potential for trouble. Even if neither one of them has any intention of anything happening, the right recipe of atmosphere, drinks, etc can be disaster.
Well nt alot to say people say can be shy but u gotta get to know me and u will find a fun loving bubbly women.I enjoy a good nite out.but love a cosy nite in with a good dvd.. So if u like what u.
See, this is where I don't agree with a lot of the posters here. I don't feel that a man's interest in dating me or his interest in getting to know me is hinged upon him offering to pay for the date or always paying for the dates (even earlier on). For me, a man's interest in dating me is shown when he speaks up and asks me if I'd like to go out on a date with him.
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Waste money and time."
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I will be real honest, I am ready to be married. I have no drama, no mad ex boyfriends, no children. I am 36, and my.