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Any other time of year I'd say you can start to move on BUT it's Thanksgiving. This time of year people are out of their routine. You have no idea what family drama personal stuff she's going through.
Sounds like she is single and he could see the competition for you, hence making a scene...of course i could be completely wrong. Dont analyze this one, work this one instead
This is usually the case when the husband makes bank and has power and status. The wife thinks she'll never do better and just accepts any behavior. It's pathetic.
After that, I demanded they stop contacting each other. Chris promised me they wouldn't contact each other anymore in order to prevent me from breaking up with him. But I have evidence that they are still communicating. Now they are hiding it from me.
What i do, is try my best to talk with her for a bit, then ask her out, probably have to use a taxi since my family HAS no car, hopefully the date goes ok, and i might get a gf. Am i right? or am i missing something?
You have to like the wavy hair over the breast effect. Very potent.
If you have a male friend, you should have no issue with him getting together with your female friend. In fact, it should be make you happy for them.
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OK, I'm sorry but give it a break with the lame excuses already! How many "scandalous" women do you have to "bang" before it occurs to you that women have something in their pants, too, and it has a way of telling us what to do also (usually against our better judgement, when it comes to guys like you). You can let you dick do your thinking or move the thought processes upstairs for a change (assuming there is an organ in your head as well).
Regarding the woman in my original post, I have no idea what you are talking about. I said nothing demeaning about her. Do you recall the story? We hit it off, she got flaky. She reappeared, disappeared again, then called me names when she found out I deleted her number. It is absolutely immature and rude to just blow people off, then want to come back to them later for favors or whatever it may be.