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She does have a cute smile but it does make her look a little bit like the Joker from Batman. Not the Heath Ledger Joker but the old Jack Nicholson version.
And salute you! Nice!
Well what inspired this thread was two other threads where two people came here for help, admitted they cheated, said they felt guilty and wanted to change.
First a bit of backstory, I'm twenty and my BF recently turned Thirty-Seven, I know the gap is crazy but despite that, it never really mattered too much, to be honest. We're also open sexually with others, basically, we can take FWB's but not a new BF/GF. We've been dating a few months now but we're going strong, I don't doubt he loves me.
Just got on this site tonight, this is the first photo that popped up.....this will be the last (and only) photo I need to look at tonight!
To me a romantic situation like that is definitely a date. However there are basically two situations you could be in here. Friends do cuddle and hold hands. So you might be stuck in a hard friend zone.
OP still needs to tell us how much weight she's gained since they've dated. Just because she's 95kg now doesn't mean she wasn't already overweight when they started dating.
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You wrath and anger and action should be directed to her
Don't need all of the above to date, but will probably limit the dating pool for you.
Yeah admin disapproval seems a bit random at times...
she is fantastic looking love the gap on her
beauty is in the eye of the beholder my friend
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You must not know what goes on in strip clubs. I grew up in a neighborhood that was surrounded by them. More than just LOOKING goes on, prostitution is VERY common in these places. You ever heard of the champagne room? It's very common for strippers to make extra money by performing oral sex on male clients in a back room.
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