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very outgoing and luv cuddling and having a good time :.
Well what to write? I'll start by what line of work i'm in.I build custom street rods and ratt rods for shop in VA Beach and I.
He doesn't care to be around kids, is he scared of them or something?
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Agreed. Just
Wow! Fantastic!
(it really would be a very small price to pay lol!)
damn right:):):)
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Damn so close! :)
Well, I guess they're talking now. I agree it's likely he has some issues, but he's got a very recent exW, so I'd be surprised if he didn't have issues, I guess.
Don't over-compliment her, but keep her interested.
SWEEET IBT .. Nice pick
epic jbu :)
My Life/Personality: Well, what can I say about myself? Having no experience in autobiography, here's my best shot. I am a quiet (don't confuse being quiet with a lack of confidence), honest.
My question is: Has anyone had any positive experiences including meeting a boyfriend/girlfriend from a meetup event/group? Much appreciated!
I would described myself as someone who is honest, caring, fun, hardworking, ambitious and intelligen.
The pose is somewhere between Betty Boop and the Heisman trophy...
I do know a few wonderful people that got married and chose to never have children. No worries on that. They don't seem to hate children. LOL My choices are not theirs and vice versa. However, if they dare comment on what parents think (especially something as horrific as saying all or most parents regret having children! That's horrendous!) when they don't actually have children themselves, you bet your bippy I'll say something to them about it.
Tummyfan. Weight please. Omfg
She calls him on the phone almost every day (it is always her calling him). He will answer and talk to her, she will blabber on for 20 or 30 minutes about her life. I get irritated but I try to remember their previous relationship , prior to myself.