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First and formost I have wonderful kids. ages 14, 8, 7. they are a big part of my life. I'm an easy going relaxed guy. want to know more just message m.
any advice or thoughts would be very helpful. thank you.
you can text me so we get to know each other 509269888.
So yeah. I expect to just meet this dude again, hang out, and expect a friendship with him. He honestly seems like a guy, if he is what he SAYS he is, that I would LOVE to have as a friend!
Just ask. Gotta take risks, sometimes. In the long run, rejection isn't nearly as bad as a missed opportunity for something great
Single, no kids, down to earth, loving, caring, and funny. I enjoy fishing, dining out, movies, and walking by the water..
1 is something special. the perfect size. none of these are big girls and 1 looks much smaller than the other two.
both gorgeous but lefty is the one
doops:dmny461 (series 425) #112428
So don't do it.
lol. second that!
INTJ, love movies and sports ⚽.
I think you should DUMP this nutty chick before she confuses you even more. She wants a guy who will take her out, spend money on her, yet not sleep with. Basically, she's USING you.
Also: really, he seemed 'annoyed' that you wouldn't sleep with him within a couple of weeks? And it took a lengthy phone conversation to iron it out!? That was your first clue there that he's a douche. No respectable man would make you justify or explain yourself for not wanting to hop into bed right away.
yeah, because Im trying to get pictures deleted and I can't get them deleted. all of my uploads. ADMIN, please help if you can
I am a down to earth, positive person who likes to take advantage of everything life has to offer. I am fun, flirty and bubbly.. I have a free spirit and a great sense of humor. I believe in.
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I came off as a super jealous person, which is totally not me. He said he doesn't feel like we're on the same page anymore and he said he feels like he doesnt know me. I really, really feel so horrible that I made him cry. I was just being really stupid and scared. Ive never had someone in my life as pure and kind hearted as him and I don't want to lose him but I'm afraid I'm going to. Please, please help me.
How the hell did i miss this one?
My ex is moving to Austin so I will be coming into town sometimes to exchange our four year old son. I live in a very small mountain town in CO and there re no available Jews. I live in IL many years.
Now she sends me this email
So just shoot off a text asking if he was trying to reach you. Natural and breezy-like.