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Yeah, this is probably more accurate. I was just going off what my friend on ENA said.
Because when you refer to them as being "the bottom of the barrel" and comment how they "don't have very high standards", "aren't picky, and men ignore them" solely based on appearance, more so their size, you are being incredibly judgmental at face value. You are also writing off and entire group of the population, and are insulting and degrading a lot of amazing women.
Originally Posted by ptlouie11
You should have ran the min she told you about her ex. The red flags were everywhere, dude seriously you don't need to ask a bunch of strangers.......just RUN! Forest RUN!
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And for all you youngsters who think your educated, six figure-earning wives will want to keep working after you have kids: forget it. IME, about 80% of educated career women suddenly discover after their second child that they really want to be stay-at-home moms. Then they will expect you to make as much money as the two of you did before she decided to stay home. You'll have to take a higher-paying job you don't like and work even more hours than you did before, and in exchange for that, she will complain that you are never home, never take care of the kids and never help her around the house.
im nice caring, loving, and knows how to treat a girl with respect and kindnes.
Excellent Time Seeing Dion. She is Beautiful like her Photos. She is extremely polite & She knows…
A Very mild case of regret
Awwwwwww, cute. Just ask her for ice cream, hot dogs, whatever alone. If she brings up her friend, tell her her friend is so last week. No, just tell her her friend is cool, but you like her more. (Don't trash her friend) As long as you haven't made any advances to her friend, it should be fine.