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Der technisch aufwändige Film lebt nicht nur von seinen benzinschluckenden Hauptdarstellern, sondern auch vom menschlichen Cast. Stars Shirin David erntet Shitstorm - wegen dieses Fotos min. Wisst ihr, ob Vin Diesel schwul ist?
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Derzeit steht Ruby Rose gemeinsam mit Vin Diesel für "xXx 3" in Toronto vor der Kamera. Dass sie eines Tages mit dem Action-Helden arbeiten würde, hätte die Australierin sich früher nicht. Finde Bildergalerie für den Film xXx 3: Die Rückkehr des Xander Cage. 39 Fotos und 17 Posters für den Film xXx 3: Die Rückkehr des Xander Cage von D.J. Caruso mit Vin Diesel, Donnie Yen. (TIW) – “The Shiny One” as he likes to be called, Vin Diesel has confirmed via his verified twitter account that he has a friend who is gay. Diesel’s representatives have stated, “We’re very excited for Vin, he’s really curious about how his new friend lives and about everything he Author: Fez Shah.
Leno Show hat er mit seiner jetzigen Lebenspartnerin 2 Kinder und dann noch einen Sohn der so um die 20 ist. Seinen leiblichen Vater lernt der amerikanische Schauspieler nie kennen. Ist Vin Diesel schwul? Monster-Liga Trailer DF. Stars Shirin David erntet Shitstorm - wegen dieses Fotos min. Das würde mich echt mal interessieren. Und eben in dem interview gab er sich mit einer ausdrucksweise schon sehr seltsam, also gar net zu seinem bekannten typ passend und sehr, wenn man es böse ausdrücken will, "tunten"haft. Das könnte dich auch interessieren.
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Then it's not personal if he doesn't post a lot anyway.
I enjoy camping and hiking, and have managed not to get lost at times. But once I was lost for days. Search and Rescue asked me at that point to stay out of the larger City Park.
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I have been having feelings of jealousy lately. I have been dating my girlfriend for a year now and she wants to get married she has wanted to get married for a long time now and says the words I love you for almost a whole year.
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Chelle... Don't you think this has gone on long enough? Look back at your post history. How many threads have you made suspecting your bf and another girl??? Do you think this is healthy for you emotionally?
Originally Posted by maysj18
Nick is one lucky dude
Wow--now this is hot!
in relationships from your late teens for a while non stop sounds exhausting. so im sure this is adding to how you feel.
However, I don't think the problem here is that your boyfriend has girl friends, per say, but that this particular female insulted you and he remained cool with her. This may be a hard pill to swallow, but people who love each other respect and protect each other. My ex fiance, over our 6 year courtship, had a couple of these kinds of girl friends, and he never stopped them from speaking ill of me, in fact, turns out he engaged in it. Even when I would discover these things, I'd make excuses for his behavior, though none were valid. (I was a part of the problem, in fact...I didn't respect myself enough to just leave when I should have). I'm not telling you to leave, but definitely keep your guard up about this... without arguing, stand firm in the idea that this is simply not acceptable.
carbon: 4 of 10 uploads were doops and you've been on my lists numerous times in the past, this is your final warning to find a new source. Doops today: #45281 #16214 #14212 #97733 Warnings in the past: #104985 #104373 #102129 #104042 #104087
I bluntly told him that popping in and out of someone's life is not a good start overall, unfair to both parties involved and that I had assumed he had moved on just as I have/did (paraphrased). He understood, and went on to say that he's been caught up in his career/school and should be done in about a month's time -which he insists by then he'll be free to take me out on that date.
shes gorgeous
Poor chap. Wasted 6-8 yrs.
I would not distance my self,it would make him feel he did something wrong and thats from personal experience.
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love the skinny legs
How much thinking do you do when talking to people?
i can only see shorts .. not everyone has the same taste as you cnnlngskng (thank goodness)
I have a question for anyone out there who is a commitment phobe:
@damnright I find your derogatory name-calling of other members offensive. You've done it before, and some of your slurs were quietly deleted by a moderator. If you can't be nice, being civil would work.
I would tell her parents, and your friends what happened. Strangers, and coworkers would get the "It didn't work out. We wanted different things. I did my best," line...It's true. You wanted fidelity and she didn't.