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Also for some background, I believe i want her back more than she wants me, and here are some things she said during our conversation. She made it known from the beginning that she missed me a whole lot. I did not really say i missed her, i avoided the question.
LOL....yeah its really hard. I'm just not the type of girl that can handle emotionless sex from a guy. And honestly, sex is not meant to be enjoyed without being able to express your emotions. Sense I face the truth and admit that to myself, then I dont have any problems going without sex. I want it to be done right or I wont do it at all. So in other words, I wont be having sex untill I meet a guy that is going to give me he commitment that I want. If that takes another 1 year and half on top of the 1 year and half that I've already waited...then so be it.
Weeeellll his is probably the hardest part of all this to tell you about me, I have 4 kids I'm full figure and i work full time , now that i got that out the way hehe, I love to laugh and joke and.
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I really don't know what to think of this? Honestly, I think about other things on a daily basis other than my nails and when I find the time to manicure them, I do.
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Be careful with this one. If he is visiting escorts again, he will put your health at risk.
In your case I guess we'd be looking at very different trust levels. I tend to trust & respect someone I'm dating pretty quickly. I believe trust is something you give rather than something you have to earn... because if you're making someone work for your trust, that's not very trusting! But it could be any of the above reasons, and waiting two months to find out just seems like needless time wasting to me.
purposely has kept Matt and her BF from ever
Obviously the heading of my thread probably makes it seem like I'm coming across really desperate, and it's scaring them off, but I do stuff like wait for texts, wait for the guy to make a move asking me out first etc.
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No one deserves to be picked on and taken apart like you've described.
Yes. For ME!
Porn can corrupt people's mind, it is nothing about love, only about lust. The more you develop lust, the more lust you get it.
If that's the case, good on you.
...or naked twister if your lucky :P
He's using this old guy friend of yours as the only leverage he's got to try to get you to stop seeing your friends. Don't let him. Set your foot down. Keep your boundaries, and when he starts acting out passive-aggressively going out and partying just to get back at you, don't bat an eye or even pretend to notice, because he will.
Originally Posted by OatsAndHall