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A little background: I'm 28 and she's 30. We both have successful jobs that allow us to live in a great city and to go out and enjoy activities, meals, drinks, etc. She does seem genuine when we converse, so I don't think she has any ulterior motive when offering to pay / split. Maybe it's ingrained in my (and probably most men's) thinking that we are to pay on dates because it's 'chivalrous'?
Hey you! I'm doing well. I've been very busy workin 60+ hrs a week. Saving for my house. Almost there! What was your dream about?
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I just tested her 'good morning, I hope have a great day in uni even though it's boring'
Ironic, isn't it? I am an independent person myself. It tears me up inside to no end.
There's probably only 2 gallons of water in that tub!
Besides, dating is NOT a hobby...
Having said that this one incident is not a good sign of an even temper which is something to be concerned about in itself.
I can't do that.
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Part of the problem is that I feel as if I shouldn't *have* to tell her that what she's doing is inappropriate. I also kind of feel that if she's doing it, she must have some need that making out with me isn't filling; and that therefore, asking her not to do it will either have no effect or will result in more problems further down the line. On a similar note, I think the fact that she *wants* to do it is more hurtful than than the fact that she does it. And I just hate to feel like I'm telling anyone in a personal relationship what to do. I feel like I can tell her how certain actions make me feel, but whether or not she should do them.
I know you don't want to hear this, but you DO have plenty of time. Up to the age go 30 I only had one relationship that lasted longer than 12 months. Lots of dates, lots of maybes, some I would have liked to keep & some I couldn't get away from fast enough. There were many times I despaired & thought it would never happen for me & I know there were many times when I'd go out wearing my desperation like a badge - people usually stay away those who seem desperate or you end up attracting the real weirdos.