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Tomorrow our planet may be destroyed by a giant comet or meteor crashing into its atmosphere. Go, you may not have very long. End your unfilling relationship and go search elsewhere. Just be sure your criteria extends far beyond a guy's ability to kiss endelssly.
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I find asking to borrow money does the trick. Make sure it's a lot of money in case they are smitten. If they are wealthy, you may need to ask for 100k or more or they might actually give it to you. If they did give it to you, get gold teeth and 24k rims for your car and send them a picture of you smiling in front of your car.
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I have been with him for 2 years and we have a wonderful past. What happened? They were only together for a few months..his mother hasnt even heard of her. He told me when they were together that he never loved her and was unhappy...so why would he go back? Does he feel any remorse? Will he? Will it last or is it just rebound? I need some clarity cause he wont give it to me....Im done with him. Guess I just want him to hurt too.
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to the OP, the last door you have to kick down is the one labeled "consider the source".
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I've been following your posts and advice posts for a long time, and I've posted over the months under many different names, and I am amazed that you are very much like me in so many ways!! It's uncanny!! There were times when I cursed you, hated you, but now I empathize totally with you because I understand your pain. I've been there and I know exactly how you are feeling.
I was sitting near them, and jokingly said, "Hey, can I be next" (well, kinda joking)
Making the first moves I agree with you on but women can be comfortable with themselves as well. If anything, guys BS more on their true selves then do women.
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