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I also asked him why it happened. I'll see if I get a response. If I don't, then I guess that I'll have my answer, eh?
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But what I've learned from all the porn threads around here, is that it really makes no difference what anyone says, or what insights they try to convey. Those who are troubled by this issue generally can't get past it, no matter what anyone says.
have@g mal...or u can kikm.
Do you honestly think that you have a future with Rhys? Do you think that you will be happy being with Rhys?
Have not kinda seen some answers to your question..
He is probably thinking what a chore it is to have you for a girlfriend and I wouldnt blame him for wanting to get away to go to a bar or a club or a bachelor party just to be able to RELAX and unwind from all the stress...
We talked really well a few hours and had a lot of very unusual things and views in common.
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I agree, wow!
Did he really make a joke about thinking of her when he masturbates? IMO, that is crossing the line if he's in a committed relationship. The problem with jokes is that there is often an element of truth in them, and I would be seriously wondering about my fiance making such jokes with a woman who is supposedly "just a friend" and why he thinks that is at all aprropriate. Honestly, this sounds more and more like an emotional affair he's having with her, with the potential to become a physical affair, if it isn't one already.
So his preference for you would to have been thinner, but he gets off on big women porn? And they say women are confusing, pffft.
I am not sure if he has a gf or not. He is not on social media...(I know this looks bad). I am single.
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Lmao Spanky. maybe shes dyslexia lol
Can guys and girls just be friends? My boyfriend and I have talked this over a few times and we both end up with the same conclusion: "Maybe but I don't think so." Jury is still out I'm afraid.
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So OLD works. Maybe for men is harder since they need to take the initiative to message, invite etc.
tummy bulge...eh
And you're quite pleased with yourself over this! WTGDF??
Did anyone else notice her nice ass?