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Goodness gracious!
I think you know this already and I wonder why you keep rehashing this topic? You consider yourself above averge so it is up to you to find out what men really want from you. You can relate your question to women as well. Do you look for the sexy hot guy or do you have other criteria that is required before you make him bf material?
I never know what to say in a profile. I am not a flashy type person.. I am very genuine, loving, sincere, playful, and fun loving. I am not into drinking or the bar scene. I am new to Palm.
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There are both Mother Teresas and Hitlers in this world. The rest fall somewhere in between. Use your common sense and you'll be fine, most of the time.
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OK haven't heard back from him. Does anyone think that it would be psycho of me to give him a call on Sunday just to say "hi"? Or do I need to just wait and let him take the next steps? If he is dating someone else then wouldn't it be wise for me to TRY and stay in the game or would I be blowing it and coming across and being too much??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Especially from AlphaMale since I've read a lot of your posts before and you always seem to tell it like it is.
Hi, I'm Mark (54). Easy going, laid back guy with a good sense of humour. Not entirely sure what I am looking for to be honest, but will know it when I experience it I suspect..
Also, men always complain that a lot of women are gold diggers. So why do they make suck a big deal when a female WILLING pays for her boyfriend, buys him gifts and/or supports him, and then say things like he's not a "real man" for accepting the gifts/money?
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