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One of my friends girlfriends even bought cloths for him. If a girlfriend did that for me I'd feel more like a pet than a partner. Of course there's always exceptions, that's not to say I'd never want a meal made for me but I wouldn't expect or ask for it.
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I had 2 dates with this guy... which were just drinking (his idea) at a bar. Now he asked me to come over, to bus over to his house (I don't drive) and have a few drinks and the past 2 times he picked me up. Honestly, I feel like he just sees me as a cheap and easy date. Is it wrong for me for wanting to be picked up and actually taken out in these early stages? Or am I being snobby? I feel bad for cancelling, but last time we hung out at his place (had sex for 1st time) and he didn't even walk me out or offer to drive me, and I felt terrible and never want to do that again. I don't know why I still feel guilty for cancelling!
I've done a fair amount of online dating, and I have some suggestions for women that might make the process work better.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Aria not so long ago. I must say it was well worth the wait! I…
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She looks ten kinds of cute to me. 2 each his own.
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