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I'm in my early 30s and my sex drive seems to have increased too. My husband is not an overly sexual man and we rarely have sex. He suffers with ED and TBH he is less than adequate in the size category. I have never been extremely attracted to him either, although I love him and consider him my best friend.
I am really not sure what to say.I work for a living,walk or wonder around trails somtimes just to see whats around the next clump of bushes,I am interested in what wild plants,are eatable,or sea.
I figured I would come back here and post an update. Over the course of the last month and a half this girl has been rather aggressively pushing for me to see her in some type of way. One night she texted saying "I'm gonna be straight. Are you into me? Do you look at me a certain way? If yes don't be afraid to tell me yes. If no thats fine I just really gotta know." Given how aggressive she has been towards me I responded by saying "yeah, I like you. You are the sister I never had". I did not say this to hurt her or reject but as way to try to tone down her rather aggressive pursuit of me.
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