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At least that's been my experience albeit limited, which is already more than enough for me. Lesson learned and one never to be repeated.
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It would've been better if he'd said something along the lines of, "I had a really nice time tonight. We should do this again sometime", but I could see the possibility of what he did say as nothing more than a nervous slip up. Don't write him off - he was at least polite - and if you're really interested in him it couldn't hurt to shoot him a text on Sunday or Monday thanking him again for the date and asking him how his weekend went. If he responds back and asks you about yours then you'll at least know he's interested and if he doesn't pick up the phone to call (what I would do) you could always make the bold move of texting a flirty "So when will I get to see you again, mister? " or "So when are you taking me out again? ". That's up to you and your personality, but it at least gives a potentially gun-shy guy a chance and you'll definitely know where you stand after that.
I told him that I'm realistic about him seeing other women while we get to know each other. We haven't even kissed. At this point, I certainly wouldn't feel bad about accepting an offer for a date by another man either. This pace feels quite fine to me. I've definitely seen more of his personality come out in the past few weeks.
My favorite.
1st day they hang out together she said they were going out for a run. They end up drinking together. My girlfriend was calling me drunk telling me how much she loved me. I was kind of annoyed. She left the home at 12... 6:30 rolls along and I'm getting concerned "are you coming home or not????"
don't do this on the home page!
hello 52087 :)
easy going, single, nice.
She is ME
i do give him his space... i see him every 2 days, even if that. when ever i call him, hes never home and he only calls me when hes done hangin out with his friends, at 12am... i dont like it..im not happy,(After 2 years who should be first, friends or me?) soo i think i am goin to go on a break with him again... but i still like to chill with him, when i actually do, but that doesnt work out so much when we break up.
4. This is not a conservative thing. This is a trust, human thing. He doesn't know your history with these guys and under the influence of partying/drinking all kinds of things can happen, so any guy would be uncomfortable with such an arrangement
Holy shit, am I speaking to an actual taco truck though? 3 carnitas, por favor.
In one sense you seem to be pushing a little - if she stayed in one of the spare rooms what are the chances you'd be knocking on her door when you think everyone is asleep?