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This summer i fell in love with a man who is 10 years older than I am (I am 21, he is 31.) We worked at a camp together. We slept together a few times toward the end of the summer. I am really really in love with this man. I have never felt this way for anyone before and am convinced he is the perfect person for me.
laying suitcase
Wait... That's not a junction! Stolen sign?
Im tired of fake people, if your truly looking for someone great but, if your just hustling for money go get a job if you do not live in the U.S. or you are from Ghana, Africa, Nigeria do not waist.
last night,we got talking,but things were different.she was totally silent which aint like her.she was distant,and i wanted to arrange another getting together.
I know they don't like being called cute. But cute IS hot to me.
The Nhs won't help her either. They won't help me and I'm 5ft and 97lbs with these bad boys lmao
Very much AD/HD. Driven by impulse, many of them, their immediate desires are what they want. Others aren't part of the scenario. Again, not deliberate. It's just that you're not present in his brain becaue that's the way his noodle works. Still, I think you deserve an explanation. Does he tell you what he does on the weekend or is it a secret?
oh my lord she is pretty
is she holding a pokemon?
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Anybody know the brand. Stunning
he thinks im being pathetic to be bothered about it and we have argued for 2 days about it. he cant see why im angry and sais "it was never a deffinite arrangment anyway" i feel like he is just pretending he didnt know how deffinite it was so that he doesnt look so rude for inviting me over and then retracting the invite when something better comes up.
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I think I'd want to know what this guy's intentions really were. Are what he is saying and what he is doing adding up across the board? Talk is cheap.
Her hair is amazing
Funny, I was withy my wife for sixteen years and then cheated on and lied to her...... oh it can be done
Absolutely awesome!
she went away for new year, and I suggested we went to the cinema/ restaurant when she returned, but I was not going to wait for her to choose a day - so she replied with - the night she returned from her 4 day trip we will go on the 3rd date.... she then texted me the morning of the 3rd date - said her flight was delayed/she will miss her train home, and basically couldnt make it - she was sorry..and again to tell me when i'm next around.
I am a fem-lesbian, looking for same and I tend to like younger women because I like camping and kayaking. Please no drugs, no smoker.
both are sexy but the asian girl..wow