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how do I do the splits again?
What kinda meetups??? I went to about 10 and barely saw one woman I was attracted to. The singles meetups were the worst of all...
Very cute. Keep (y)
Duh its Stoopidgirl again with another possible no-brainer.. what do you think?
YOU message again and say, hey, are you free now? When works for you/you guys etc. If you don't, I promise you won't hear from them anytime soon.
do another one and you'll be joining that site and not here
Well, what your family thinks isn't that important (even if you hold them in high reguards) it is you that has to be with him. I will tell you what. When I was in a relationship sometime ago, the girl I was with would get upset if I would even talk about any female friends I had. She would also ask me stuff about other girls like if I liked their butt, or there legs. I would say yes or no, because if she said she thought some guy had a good butt, that is fine he may just have. I would jokingly say things about females and stuff. It would get her pissed or mad. But I did it for that reason, then I asked her why she is getting mad and she just doesn't like to think about me with some other girl. Which I don't think anyone does. I stopped however. I never meant it as a tool to put her down or make myself feel better.
He agreed and complied.
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Am I irrational to be kinda frustrated and annoyed by this?
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No, I don't think she deserves another chance. Yes, if you have feelings for her this is going to be hard.
I am m.
Maybe I am just a bit insecure... I also haven't made any moves yet, I guess I am scared to overdo it... I want him to be my boyfriend but I wonder if he is ever going to ask?
Well ill try a new plan do i exchange few messages or if i see them on be like hey watcha plans for tonight lets go grab drinks
Now thats one fine ass
- Selfishness ~ Some people are just downright selfish. They can have everything so they take it all. While they may have the emotional intelligence to understand what they're doing, nobody else's feelings are of consequence to them.
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Loving,caring, loyal, understanding and affectionate if find the right one. .pls.I like to meet someone age between 60 to 6.
In all honestly though, do you think your performance was not your best? If so, try to think why that happened. But just as a way to be more confident with yourself the next time.