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maybe he's going to the same wedding and you have mutual friends!! Wouldn't that be weird??
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i think there's a level of respect that needs to be in place and shown and often is in place and shown.... when sleeping in a bfs mothers house or a grandparents house....where it is awkward and separate rooms are best could be she is simply being respectful...my exes parents gave up their bedroom to me and to my ex.....we had been together for many years and i wouldnt still have sex in my mother in laws house regardless we actually had kids together....etiquette and respect could be simple reasons your gf doesnt want to have sex with you in a home shared with parents and grandparents.......deb
He did something, therefor proving his capacity and willingness to do it.
like the red panty peek - and if only we could see more of the one in the white bra.....
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You are having an emotional affair(EA) with his friend who is in a committed relationship.
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And can you please stop with the damn wingding symbols??
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I don't think so. There's enough slight differences (ears, shoulders), but let's see what others think. Some folks are real good at this.
We all view sex in different ways. I saw plenty of condoms in the parking lot and plenty of men stopping and talking to the hookers so I guess it crossed their mind and they had the money to spend. Different strokes for different folks.
So, take a Christmas break. If the feelings and connection are there, it'll still be intense yet comfortable after Christmas. Examine what the real fear is. Why would you be afraid of something intense yet comfortable? Do you see history set to repeat itself? Something else? For two people to feel a connection and immediately go to the fear of hurt says something, to me anyway.
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