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second on that shes hott!!!
Hi.. My name is MOBASE I am seeking for long relationshi.
I like these style dresses for the snug tops. Not much of a fan of the hair up. But she is very pretty!
I am thinking I should break it off
I expect to feel like the priority and like my partner has both feet in a relationship. Some teasing might be passable but anything sexual isn't Ok with my unless it was agreed upon in advance as OK.
If you are into her at all...well you know what to do.
That was a joke. His family doesn't seem to mind. We all have a crazy aunt/uncle/etc/etc. I'm fairly certain none of them were concerned by YOUR behaviour, but probably concerned by hers (the aunt).
lol i guess i see it now
a one piece on a good body with a cute face can be a good thing
I have 3 wonderful kids ages 10,13, and 17 who are also my best friends. I am a simple person who is willing to do or try anything as long it does not jeapordize me or my kids safety. If you want.
i love her. rocking the fishnets
Oh yeah, one of my all time top favs. Absolutely love this one
As soon as is humanly possible start dating other women, get out there, she will cease to have as much significance for you and it will get her (somewhat) out of your head.
Hi..I'm a young 41 year old who is in the process of making changes in my life and looking for people to make me laugh and enjoy life. I have two grown kids and two at home. I have Jesus in my heart.
Regardless, this relationship is dead and buried. What a sad tale it was to read.
Maybe you consider that caught in the act. I probably could have tried to come up with some lame excuse - but the jig was up, and it seemed best to just confess.
I dont think Admin is waiting 2 weeks to activate accounts anymore. it seems a lot more 'new' guys that said that they just registered are commenting on pictures right away
LOL at horny toad!! Thats damn funny!!
I'm just a country boy coming out of a 7yr marriage looking to make a few friends. I'm not in a hurry to jump into a relationship.. it will come when the time is right. I just wanna meet new.
Looking for serious relation ship, will wright more late.