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I didn't ask him to do that but least I know she is using that. We've only been on two dates so it isn't exclusive, but there's definitely a chance she's dating others. If so then whatever, as long as I'm better and we're going on dates then whatever. I'll be dating others too and I'm talking to other girls, so can't have double-standards here and complain.
From what you say, it sounds like your relationship is past its shelf life and he sees that. It's gone rotten, but you don't see or smell it. Eating rotten food makes you sick: staying in rotten relationships damages your psyche. It's "must go" day: time to throw out what is making you depressed, anxious, insecure and feeling like you're not enough.
"I threw in my money and made my wish, but sleeping boys catch no fish".
The part of the brain responsive to sex hormones is two and a half times larger in men than women. Men are programmed to be more responsive to sexual feelings. Plus, with the lower activity in the brain, men are looking for excitement and stimulation. What is more stimulating to think about than sex?
Be a little shrewd. Ask her about places in the area, for instance, tell her you're looking a place to take some friends for dinner and get her opinions on local cafes or restaurants. Ask if she has seen any good movies, concerts, things like that. Look for ways to get talking about other topics such as work and hobbies as things "progress".
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3 years is a long time. Do you see each other at all while he's away? Do you visit him? Maybe that would be a good idea - go over there for a couple weeks, stay with him, meet his friends, etc., and see what kind of feel you get for what's going on and what kind of relationshp you two have.
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So in reality, men do not actually love them, but the ones who have no spine put up with their behavior.
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