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Its such a big paradigm shift to put the blame on yourself as opposed to the opposite gender who unbeknowst to you are actually rooting for you to succeed that mindshift alone helps alleviate alot of the frustration and anger.
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Welcome to my profile, one and all! Well, except for those who are not truly seeking out a relationship. To all scammers and spammers, I can pick you out real quic.
The two with underwear showing.Heaven.
P&P, the intense chasing-after that happens intially is a cardinal symptom -so is the fast-paced 'bonding' he encourages from you between himself and his family, and the high risk of forming other 'relationships' that serve to distance or break up the present relationship to avoid any commitment of any kind, as well as the abrupt, cold-sweat he breaks out in just before leaving you heart-broken.
I feel so bad I don't want to hurt my bf, he's really sweet and fragile but I don't wanna regret not going out with this guy either but even the idea of meeting him is killing me. I feel like if i see him I'm betraying my bf.
Me, secretly: Well, there goes that idea.
Good Luck!!
Wow it is so funny you bring this up because yes, I did find someone exactly like myself, and the relationship has just ended after 5 years. He also entered relationships with people who had major deal breakers for him. And instead of just leaving and respecting what his needs/requirements are he instead brow beat me(and past gfs) until I felt like crap about myself. I feel ashamed looking back for letting it happen. And I stayed even though he wasn't at all like me and harped on him for not liking any of the things I liked instead of finding someone who was a better fit.