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In fact most guys I know are more interested in a woman with a high libido, than one that's just good in bed.
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I agree with saying OP's bf is weak. OP on the other hand seems like a strong woman. If I were her, I'd reevaluate relationship and test bf for having a spine, as it seems questionable now.
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Basicaly this thread boils down to women being unhappy with anything other the blind faith. They treat having a baby like a religion and if I dare get a paternity test I'm going to hell.
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Feeling pressured in that department is what may be the cause of frustration when it's brought up. I want to talk about it when I'm ready. Surely that's a simple request right? We aren't in a situation where we need more money, baby on the way, etc. She wants me closer and that's all. Current commute is only 15 - 20 minutes.
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Not really
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I am 19 now. I have been dating this guy since i was 15. We met at school. We spent everyday together for 9 months. He took my virginity. He was a year younger then me. His sophomore year he switched schools. He started getting distant, then he left and didn't talk to me for almost 4 months. He didn't answer my calls. Ignored me when i came to his house.
No, your wrong because the intent can be classified as "sexual" still.
That's the thing Alma. I don't lack empathy...but I am allot like the men she describes in terms of being thinking and kind of unconventional.
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I believe I am a relatively normal, pretty awesome woman looking for an equally great guy to hang out with. I'm not looking to jump into a serious relationship right away but I am hoping to find that.
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