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We're in the process of planning a second date for this weekend. I responded to his initial post-date text by saying that I had a good time, that we should catch up again soon, and that he should call me this week to arrange the details. I'm not sure what we'll be doing yet, but I want to try and be a bit more spontaneous with communication that isn't just centred around calling or making plans to see each other. You know, actually building up a relationship. Any suggestions about how to do that? Although I know what I want, I'm a bit clueless when it comes to actually taking action to get it!
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If you do like her and want to see if the situation has any potential, I would meet up with her but I'd use that occasion to define your boundaries. Personally, I'd explain that you like her but you won't let it go any further while she's still attached. Then go away and try and minimise contact. Don't add her on FB for now for all the best reasons: you need to be able to vanish off the radar if she shows signs of messing you around, and FB stalking someone with a boyfriend will only mess you up and put you in the ******* category.
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My job used to be fun, not anymore,but I have weekends and I'm always home at.
That said, all you can do is roll with it. He was honest about his feelings (even if it was through alcohol), now you can either accept it and let him explore that relationship with you in his life, or walk away if it's too much for you.