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WHY is she CHOOSING men who treat her poorly? Why is she ALLOWING herself to be disrespected etc? Well - that is a deeper question.
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What this suggests to me, unfortunately, is that you are so checked out of your relationship that you are likely to cheat again. Even if you promise him never to do so, it doesn't undo the bigger problem which is that you are not committed to him and are curious about other guys to the point of acting on your desires. In my opinion, you and your boyfriend are far too young and inexperienced to stay together forever at this point. My advice would be yes, tell him, and prepare to separate.
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I admit that I was incredibly busy with work through the time I dated him, any of the times I tried to end it were more hassle for me that these endless rules and because I didn't give in to any of his crap I was almost fascinated with whatever he was going to come out with next!
I think you're a whole lot better of than if he gave you a big line of BS that he didn't mean just to make you happy. When you start dating somebody, there's never any assurance they will fall in love with you. And, if they do, there is no way of telling just how long it might take...or even if they will tell you if they do. It has so much to do with their emotional openness and how their families of origin expressed love in their home.
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I suggested breaking up so that he can date other people and sow his oats. He said only wants to date me, that yes, it can be a little scary at times to be committing to one person forever but he wants to build a future so it's worth it. He opened up and expressed how he feels about me in a way he hasn't done previously.
I also called.
Unless one of my husbands friends was nasty to me personally or crossed a line with him, they're just like his male friends to me. His female best friend was one of my bridesmaids, it would be stupid of me to not embrace her and be jealous and make him cut her off.
...Run Laurynn...RUN!!
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