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Why bother? Why bother dating a guy who says 'we'll see what happens' as a good bye to a date? It's not inexperience, it's being socially inept. You don't say that to friends let alone to a date. There is a reason why he is inexperienced at the age of 25, that's pretty old for a guy.
Then she whispered to me, “Baby I will never leave..
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I know they went through hell because of the affair and they both tried to work on the marriage, without any success. They have been separated for over a year and a half and he wanted nothing to do with her...until he found out that we started dating. Believe it or not, I have had more contact with her over the years than what i did with my old "friend". She has always seemed like a great person to talk to and just fun to be around.
The only thing I can say after my date with her is ...wow ! great massage body to body ( who knew…
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My boyfriend of almost one year picked me up to bring me to his parents house where he lives (we're both 18). His parents, sister and younger brother all live there. I've met them all a few times and seem to like me. But today we were sitting in the dining room having dinner when his very traditional and religious aunt made a surprise visit. When she noticed my bags and realized I was going to be sleeping over she went off on my boyfriend, his parents and me about how this was wrong, sinful and how i was disgusting for sleeping over with a boy i wasn't married to. She was just yelling and yelling and everyone actually tried to DENY that i was sleeping over and coming up with excuses for why i had overnight bags. But it only got worse with my boyfriends aunt slamming a big pot down on the table in front of me and i started crying. Like really crying my eyes out and shaking because i was just so uncomfortable. I never once raised my voice at her like everyone else was because I'm just not like that. I don't like being around anger or confrontation like that because it makes me feel extremely uncomfortable. My boyfriend and his sister walked with me to the back yard trying to comfort me and telling that crazy woman to leave me alone. By the end of it my face was completely red with all my mascara on my face. They were all really nice and apologetic about it when the aunt finally left. I know she was extremely rude and judgmental but do you think my reaction might have been a bit much? I'm worried about what they might think of me now
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me667..i see no problem with it as long as no information of girl(s) given out but DU has guidelines from Admin..he will have to give correct answer