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Ich bin auch keine 16 und schon sehr viel Älter aber ich kann es mal erzählen, was ich damals als Teenager gedacht habe und was ich heute als Single auch noch denke. Aus meiner er Sicht kennt es keine Grenzen wenn man jemanden hübsch findet u d ihn deswegen ansehen tut, oder wenn man sich verliebt hat. In diesem Fall ist es aber eben etwas anderes,liegt wahrscheinlich daran das es teilweise an uns rüber getragen wird, ein Christ und eine Muslima geht gar nicht, dabei wäre ja auch noch nichts passiert. Es ist schon oft vorgekommen,dass ich auch mal angesehen worden bin, aber ich wusste wirklich nicht wie ich das deuten sollte, besonders wenn es von einer Frau kommt die einem selbst auch zum des äusserlichennTeil sehr sympathisch ist. Ich würde mir wünschen ohne hier etwas wieder etwas ausarten lassen zu wollen, dass alles mal lockerer wird,egal welchen glauben man hat. Ich hoffe es ist auch nach über 2 Jahren noch eine hilfreiche Antwort gewesen. Ich habe lange gesucht aber genau das ist der Fall.
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It resembles "American Beauty" picture.
Most guys would pack their marbles up and go home, until they get over the ego rejection, then they sometimes come back as friends.
If I were you, I'd just stand up for yourself (cuz you deserve more!) and tell him that in light of how rude they are, you've changed your mind and won't be going to the race with him........that in the future, if he wants to do with something with you, just the 2 OF YOU, then he can give you a call.....but you're simply not diggin' this current arrangement and you have no respect for people who judge you without even knowing you; who bash your personality and make hurtful remarks.
One of the best in the whole site. Love that amazing ass.
Hi..am not good at this lets chat instead.
He makes me feel like I'm the one asking for too much, I'm trying to change him.
Turn a blind eye and deaf ear to her pleadings. If she's mature enough to enjoy a weekend with you in Paris - she is mature enough to face the logical consequences of her behavior.
if it is true, using your own words ,or your friends you must have limited mental capabilities to even think about staying.
"Little disappointing. The girl in the pic was not there. Instead, 3 girls were present. I chose one, who insisted on a tip so that she would give good service.
Service was okay as the girl did her best. And I being polite gave a tip.
But again didn't get what is shown in pic so not very happy."
no prob. thanks for the clarification.
Apparently you've made up your mind.
Its just a fantasy. Notice hes not willing to do it if its with people who will stay in his life because he understands the drama it can cause. So hes not up for actually doing it, especially because hes with you.
Yes, fortunately, I have been keeping myself occupied with various other things -including getting to know other men. I have other priorities, so he's definitely loosely hanging in the background (back burner).
Being a doctor is like any other profession. People choose how they prosecute and prioritize their work and social lives. IOW, I could be a doctor, or a Boeing engineer, and make the same choices/different choices with regards to my career and personal life. I could throw myself totally into work, sign that time-absorbing employment contract and forever be talking about my work, canceling plans due to my work, not having time for family and friends because of my work, etc, etc. Or I could do something else, reflective of my personal philosophy regarding work and life. The answers are different for each of us.
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