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If you want to know, ask me. I do not like writing about mysel.
Now that I'm married it's a bit different what with joint checking accounts. But I still wouldn't ask for $1k for myself, maybe for a joint family purchase like putting in a patio... but if I wanted $1k for something I'd start putting money aside for it.
cute! ibt
I'm a gay white guy but I'm more comfortable living as if Black. Looking for another guy who also prefers to live an urban lifestyle, is in tune with Black culture and wears only urban styles of.
As for OP, I think you just know. Do you really like them? How are you meeting them? Online, through friends, acquaintances? I think this makes a big difference. Like I said above, I have spent very limited time with this girl and we are still getting to know each other...
I suggest you buy Ambient noise reduction headphones if you dont know what they look like google it I have those and I put the volume way up which allowed me to hear to other mans voice and the door close 15:03 was the exact time i heard the other person and its not uncommon for 2 homosexual men to have homosexual activities while watching heterosexual porn could explain a lot of things like you said that he was prostitute for a former profession if Im not mistaken so its could be a higher chance that he might of had male clients could also explain way the male grunts were so load and the female moans were so quite just a thought
Move on my brother ...get another girlfriend and forget about this chick .....
Suggest things like going out on a date and start somewhat fresh?
Thanks for the suggestion.
She is 100% in all , and warning to all the guys , when she communicate you will fall in love her.
Damn, I walked right into that one, huh. lol
She lied because she knew that telling you the truth will hurt you, and will make an "issue" between you.
The only way I could manage it was no contact -- none. That's what you'll have to do too. Tell him if he's ever free to look you up and see if you are too. Until then, you've got to move on.
"She is a little chubby Indian girl and has a nice body. She did a nice good quality service
i love a good pair of legs with meat on them,but thats me
Two it is. I have another of her on my uploads
yea i already know that stuff, this thread is more tongue-in-cheek as i'm bored right now
I'm an outgoing active person who enjoys spending time in the mountains and near the water. I'm also a hard working person who tries to find a balance between work and living life! Looking for that.
In your shoes, I'd make the largest payment you can afford right now, and then periodic payments as you are able. Would not agree either verbally or in writing to any particular repayment plan. Would set a goal to repay completely within a year if at all possible. It seems that this was kind of sprung on you, so he can gripe all he wants and if he does so, is being unreasonable. He loaned you the money of his own free will and presumably understood the circumstances.