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I have a feeling a bunch of comments will be removed on this one
So you would have know problem if your H was alive and a professor and some hotie wanted to do him.
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- Have a balanced view on women. Balanced. I love women so much, but I'm not ignorant of some of the bullsh*t that quite a few individual women get up to . Just treat it on a case-by-case basis as opposed to "THESE BITCHES ARE ALL SHALLOW" or whatever it is. Stay balanced.
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lol, I didn't see your tag 754. I was tagging it myself :P
I do have advice for you
When my grandmother died, he called an checked on me and would be there in a second if i needed him. I tell the ex and he is nice, but never calls to see ho I am and will not return a call for days.......What is wrong with me! I crave the man that treats me like dirt and get annoyed with the one that treats me like a queen.
I won't deny there could be better things to do besides watch movies, but if we both enjoy movies and we actually talk while watching them, I don't think it is that big of a deal. I don't particuarly like going to bars and I'd rather watch a movie, but I know tons of people who would rather go to the bar. To each his own, right?
Had a spectacular time with Melody last Friday night. Got the total GFE even after I was late because I got lost. (First time to visit Bahrain.) Showers, massage and entertainment were all excellent. Photos just like the beauty that answered the door and showed me a pleasurable time. Will visit again next time I am in Bahrain."
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He is turning the table on you. He made a mistake, he betrayed you 5 seconds after the facts but he refuses to look at his actions. Instead he is turning the table on you and making you the bad guy. That is being manipulative.
Well I don't think your an idiot but now you know that your current bf is not doing anything for you and now you can do something about it.