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maybe you guys should just go elsewhere then..since this site fails..if you had slightly better pics, slightly better..the approvers would have put them thru..
Yes, Art, you are right. If I'd thought he was the guy, I probably would have been more "ready." There was just something about his approach when he was making the moves that really gave it away that it was all about sex. I just couldn't do that.
hmmm...okay :)
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im eric from jamaica now living in queens new york i have a nice personality i like to travel and learn differnt things i am a technision in tellecommunication i'm just on line to meet someone.
Haha UR! :P
Poet, artist, madman -- I'm a photographer, sculptor, media artist looking for a cute and funny (dare I say sexy?) friend as I get back on track with the fun side of life. I'm funny, articulate and a.
Block her and move on.
Love that smile :-)
I hate the way my husband does laundry but I certainly did know that 2 months in.
nice ..hate 2 see u leave but i luv to wacth u go :)
Also #88042 all her just read comments
why are you even conversing with this clown?
She was okay with that, and we went out as friends just like the first time and again we had a nice time. That was a couple weeks ago, we kept in contact with the occasional e-mail or call. Nothing more than that. Then over the course of couple days she began calling me a lot more, like 3-4 times in a week. Most of the time, it really wasn't about anything specific, just sort of "How are you doing, what did you do today etc..
This is how the Lord has made me, and it ain't no Barbie Doll. I'm told that I am a pretty blue eyed Gal. or put a cap on me and I'm ready to go fishi.
Hi guys, first post. I can probably handle the problem myself but I'm just looking for some verification of my doubts - should I be worried?
I think that's pretty reasonable. Right?
unreal body!
lol driver, good one
loyal person. I am always willing t.