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I sure am. Aren't alot of straight people a little curious though? I would be lying if I said the thought hadn't crossed my mind. But my gaydar is sending out straight signals. I was out last night and my two straight female friends were chatted up by lesbians... they didn't even look at me.
I love to laugh and have fun, and I have a great sense of humor,successful, energetic,fit,I have been told that I am attractive and I try to live right and keep myself in shape. I'm also.
This is more about you and your self respect. If someone says they aren't attracted to you outright after an hour, you need to realize that it's probably not going to get much further. He seems to not want any kind of connection with you because he realized this within the time that you both were hanging out in person. Take his words as a "Thank you for not wasting my time" and find someone that is INTO you. You deserve that, for yourself.
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Exactly. Since you didn't do anything physical and you seem genuinely remorseful I don't think you need to tell her, but you definitely need to make it up to her by not talking to this woman anymore (not just letting it fade away), never flirting like this with any other woman again, and working hard to get your woman back on track as number one in your mind. You definitely owe that to her.
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Shy at first, gentleman with ❤️ of gold, honest and loya.
I will not compromise my value.
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No reason to actually tell her outright that the reason you don't want to go out with her again is because of her weight. Telling someone something like that will hurt her unecessarily.
There is no other solution. She will not stop having drinks with her colleagues and cops drink out together a lot.
Hi. I'm romantic,fun,and lovin.