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Does it work? I don`t know.
not sure if i claim to know everything but an ex as a "best friend" would leave me feeling a bit redundant your girl sounds selfish tbh spoiled
However, I'm still having trouble with figuring out how many times to message each girl before I ask them to meet up. I've read through this forum that some girls want the guy to ask them out pretty quickly, or otherwise they lose interest. On the other hand, I've read some responses that indicate that they would prefer going back and forth a bit to get to know the guy better, before they would agree to meet. I'm sure it depends on the girl...but how do I know?
Oh my god ,this blonde is hot.
Yeah and check out her perfect acromioclavicular joints. Love to see her foramen...
Yes i would love to bust her in the act of meeting up with this guy! I have no idea where or when. We will soon find out i guess... Im just waiting for her to tell me that she has to stay late at work tonite or maybe has to see some friend on short notice!!
All I can say is “WOW” Elizabeth Layne is a class act. She is a beautiful, funny, well educated, knowledgeable woman. And I mean woman in every sense of the word. She is a true professional provider who truly enjoys herself. From the knock on my hotel room door to the time she left I was infatuated with her. We sat on the sofa and chatted a bit. She then went to the window and was looking at the lights. I went over to her and began rubbing her shoulders and neck. That was all it took, she said that was enuff of that and come with me to the bed. She is a complete GFE with a little PSE in her. I have never in my life been Woman-handled like she did. I was exhausted! From the first DFK, BBBJ, 69 (at this point she said you are almost ready and I want on top before you do), Cowboy, Doggie, an offer to CIM, and finishing with Mish, I thought I had died and gone to heaven. oThis woman is no clock watcher. She asked me what time frame I had requested while we were cuddling. I told her I had requested an hour. She giggled and we were off to the races. When she finally let me go and come up for air I had lost track of time. She offered an Extraball, I was exhausted lying there still quivering from her touch and declined. After I watched her walking away down the hall, I looked at the clock. She had been with me for 2 ½ hours!!!!!!!
The final triumph of the evening came after our time together. I was exhausted yet wide awake. I decided to take a walk in the evening air and relax/wind down. On the way back to my hotel, a young “walker” caught my eye as I was walking. She smiled and asked “Would you like some company?” I just smiled and said “No thanks, not tonight” All the time thinking how can anyone compare to Elizabeth, the most intoxicating individual I can now say I have the pleasure of knowing."