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thank you very much for the insight. Thanks everyone for all this wonderful advice.
I'm so sorry if my post set you back as I did not intend to at all. The fact that he felt that way has nothing to do with who you are and what you have to offer (which is lots!). I only wanted to throw out those key words to push you to realize that he is incapable of giving you more at this point in his life. His mind is completely on other things and rightfully so as he has ISSUES to deal with. You need to recognize that and decide for yourself what in fact you are willing to deal with in this friendship. You sound like you are looking for a relationship and with that you need to be fully capable of identifying the red flags early on. He has shown you them and you are lucky for that in that it is early on in your friendship.
I asked him why a secretary would be writing notes and signing her name as "me"....which to me, denotes someone who's very friendly and familiar with him.....I mean, come on, people in relationships write notes to each other and sign them "me" (cuz obviously who else would be writing them?)....and what was this about "ps..see you soon!"...he said "she's just a flirt like that, she's like that with everyone".....Well, I wasn't buying this too much.
Uh what? Your advice is to KEEP this to herself and keep it from her boyfriend? Why does the boyfriend not deserve to know his girl has no love or respect for him?
Just wait.. why would you upset him for nothing?????
There should be some kind of dating etiquette for OLD. For example if someone gave you their number in real life and then crossed the room to sit and flirt with someone else right in front of your face for six hours, would you call that person? Probably not. But on OLD... they're essentially doing the same thing, and then honestly expect you to be thrilled to get a call from them. Bah! Who needs it?
67 percent of the women said that a man's most annoying habit was checking out another women in their presense.