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Looking for friends, just got out of a long term relationship. The gym is my boyfrien.
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1.) Marrying for the wrong reasons.
hey ima stoner chick I love all sorts of music.I dnt have a car n tryin to get my own place. I need a man or woman to satisfy me in love n trust n of course lots of sex. I stick to one ****. I like.
I think women may *feel* more pressure to conform to a societal standard of beauty, much like men *feel* more pressure to conform to a societal standard of success, both socially and monetarily, but both *feel* the pressure to be attractive to their potential dating and mating pool, and process that pressure in their unique ways, psychologically.
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2) 5) and 7) you can't do anything about because you can't change what kind of people join dating sites. Even nowdays it is a certain type of person that will online date and I don't think that will ever change. I'm not sure where you see the gap in the market
All of this is good information above. Some more information about our chats. I said to her 3 nights ago. We talked for about 4 hours. Into the 2nd hour, I said that I need a girlfriend who is emotionally, physically availble. She thought I liked her. And clearly she knows this. The July 3 when she called me we talked about 10 minutes and she didn't even bring up the ex. I did I say to her that you need to stop wasting energy on this guy. I was also thinking about my energy but I didnt say it.
I appreciate the reply happydatem but with all due respect I think youve got the siuation a little off. Come to think of it, I was the first and oly person to mention "friends with benefits", he never labelled this. But I guess I considered it somewhere along the FWB lines, because he had emotional baggage and I thought it was best not to be in a relationship. But as time went on I liked him more and more but held back as I knew it wasn't what he wanted. But i was happy, seeing other people etc. But now, it turns out he might have liked me too, but feels rejected by me seeing other guys... You guys have said this is wrong of him, which I tend to agree with,
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