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5 - He may have been rehearsing a lot of things in his head over the years, I know I didn't have a serious, serious relationship till I was 30 either, so you can definitely learn and grow a lot at that age and beyond. 34 now, two great relationships down - still looking for Mrs. Right, but I couldn't have gotten to where I am without those two and I wish them all the best
I think the girl on the right REALLY likes the girl on the left..
I'd just say keep at it!!
Truth is, I was starting to find that I was really looking forward to seeing this guy. He was really sweet to me and I was starting to feel more interested in him and attracted. I was really wondering whether a relationship with him might work. Maybe I'd made a mistake by keeping a distance when I was getting the idea that he wanted to spend time alone with me. In the past, I didn't hang out with him on his own or take him up on offers, specifically because I felt he might be interested and it didn't seem a good idea - this guy has never had children and it's not an option for me any more. But now, all of a sudden, it's as if the gentle, sensitive side of my friend is being replaced by someone I don't like much. It's certainly making me distance myself and I feel confused and a bit hurt, though I don't know why.
Yes, I'm sure that I don't regret getting together with him in the first place... it was he that really showed me how to live life. But I'd never known such emotional rollercoasters before I started dating...
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