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He would be a doormat / "nice guy" hoping she would turn around and give him a chance.
i almost forgot this one
Take up a cause: save the environment, raise money to eradicate a disease, serve as an usher in your community theater, be a tour guide at the local museum
Curiously contemplating about this & tha.
A week later I began talking to her on facebook just to check up on her. I was met with a cold reply which hurt but of course after what I had done it was reasonable..I left it for another two weeks and tried again sending another message on facebook, which lead to a small conversation but nothing major..Then the past two I unblocked her msn I told my gf that I done so and said I put a message saying if you need someone to talk to im always here in the msn (which I did) I then found last night we were arguing about the whole thing, how she felt about being blocked off me from me how much it hurt..and how I was an idiot to think I could just come back and pretend nothing happened...after a few hours we calmed down and just started chatting again.
My girlfriend and I have been together for 7 years. I am 32 and she is 30. We are the proud parents of a little girl and we just found out that we will be parents again in less than 9 months! Yes, she is pregnant again!
I am assuming you have no desire to come between an engaged couple, correct?
I am looking for either a long-term relationship or marriage, and if that happens I would also love us to have childre.
-Flirted with a girl (I later...only recently realised they grew up together and are really good friends)
Gravity is not going to be her friend in FEW YEARS
Tasha, you seem to be indulging yourself into emotional thinking when you need some cold, hard logic.