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My name is Tyler, im 19 and I have a son whom I love very much. His name is Ian. I love being a father, and even though things didn't work with my first family I hope to try again someday. I love.
There is just something so captivating about this girl! One of my top favs
But, in the 5 months since this has happened he has still messed up some and it's making it very very hard to trust again. I have nightmares about him cheating or going off whenever he gets upset at me. In the 5 months I caught him looking at girls on FB and asked him to please just not do it so I can have some space to heal and trust him. I caught him doing it a second time about a month later. I also asked him not to hide from me when he smokes (he's deciding to abstain until July) because it's just weed and I want to practice full transparency, but he hid it from me a second time and I found out.
I've seen you post in various threads on here where this occurred. I did not see you getting on people for repeating stuff. Why is that? See because I see you do this here, and not in other places, it almost seems you are doing it because the girl is being blasted right along with the guy. It almost gives the impression that if the OP was the only one getting repeatedly bashed you wouldn't of said anything. I hope I'm wrong.
Hmmm... that sounds a little risky right now. I'll probably stick to trying to establish good rapport online before I try anything else. This will go nowhere unless we can have friendly conversations.
Absolutely stunning HP! (y)
Being 30 and seeming 22 is NOT a plus for a man in dating. It means you are immature. Which is not horrible, but it's not going to be a benefit either.
Two's never a crowd
IMHO he was either seeing someone else or had more than one fling. He's a player.