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I mean, hasn't he figured that he's hurt me enough just by breaking my heart? He also wants to hurt me some more just for the sake of his own ego? Gosh, people can be so cruel.
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In order for the date to be successful it's gotta be fun, so talking about things that you both like should help a great deal. The amount of things you have in common is not only a good conversational aid but also an indicator on how good your relationship has the potential to be.
I stayed single for several years and earlier this year decided to date again. I signed up on a dating site and I was weeding them out the moment I saw a red flag, even when I felt some level of connection. After a past of dysfunctional relationships and painful lessons learned, I wasn't going to ignore the signs. The old me would have blinded myself and I would have run with the "connection" -- because I was desperate to have someone/be in a relationship. But after being alone for so long, I realized that being alone/in a relationship wasn't the end all be all and I wasn't going to settle.
If someone doesnt want to get married, you see that as a "red flag" - haha
I consider myself to be friendly & very out going. I'll do anything for anyone. I have a 4 yr old little girl who I love and adore dearly with all of my heart. She however does have two loving.
You shouldn't have to give up friends for significant others (to a point), but there should be a fair amount of transparency when it comes to friendships with members of the opposite sex.
Love that lower ab vee
yes perfect
Very hot looks fantastic in those pants
having a bad day...an entire set got rejected :( . had more of this cute red head too...well...lets see how the next batch does
Howdy! If you decide to check my profile, I dare you to ping me. And if I don't respond within a day, then I deserve a gentle slap :.
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