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I would feel differently if I were in a relationship and gained weight.
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I'm new here, but maybe a slightly different perspective will be refreshing.
to be honest he is mentally ill or wants to have sex, cut it off completely for your own safety, otherwise you will end up in pieces on a side of a highway
here is da pic i drew
I was with a guy and he told me that he loves me to death but he gets bored quickly. He said it is not just with me but with women in general. He may want to hang with you one minute and then the next, he dont want to be bothered. It will have nothing to do with you but just his mood. I dont think he is lying to me. I have seen it happen to us many times. I feel like he will try to stay cool with me then there a break out and he just will come to a point where he wants to do whatever he wants to do. It is wierd. Unfortunately I fell in love with him after finding out that this is the kind of person he is. I want to know has anyone experienced this and how they handled the situation. It has been a rollercoaster ride and we just talked about it today cause it become real to both of us from dealing with each other over the last couple of years. what did you do or should have done?
Well, I met this really cool girl at work. When I first saw her she was walking away from me. I knew she was beautiful even before she turned around. She really is that beautiful, so no surprise there! Long hair, great smile and cute quirkiness I want to tease her about.
What do you think is right?
thank youthank youthank you!
There's the dumbell taking the picture too :P
Dating is so hard.All im looking for is one woman, why have a one night stand when you can.
Greetings people of earth of the female persuasion.Good news.Johnny B. has been reactivated on here for a second round after a long hiatus.I've since moved from Durango and the four corners[Aztec.
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Obviously I disagree, but I'm interested in hearing your reasoning. I mean, you basically disprove a lot of what my therapists of the past and present have told me.
I keep telling myself that work guy is no reflection on me, or how smart, accomplished, or pretty I am. Its all him. He clearly doesn't want to settle down for a girl right now. He's always off with his roommate and their friends. Like my ex, clearly thats his priority.
Please do not be this naive...please!
We did start trying to meet tentatively, but then she started dressing up for him and flirting even more.
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