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Guys and gals... Thanks for the feedback. It turns out that woman is not going on the trip. Thank god. However, there is another problem. He booked two tickets for us to go to Florida, one of which I have to pay for. I simply can't afford to go, pay my ticket, and pay my way down there as well. Unfortunatley, this guy can't afford to pay anything for me if I go because he is in a small financial rut. I told him I can't go because it's not financially feasible for me, again...he insists on going without me. He is going to be staying at another buddies condo for free, and says he needs to go to keep his sanity and get away from the bitter cold for a few days. I asked him to get credit for our tickets for another time when I can afford to go. He won't do it. I said to him, " why would you want to go without me anyhow? This will be the second weekend in a row you will be going away without me." He said that his wanting to get away has nothing to do with his feelings for me. I think thats bulls**t! It's obvious his needs and wants come first, if this guy is as crazy about me as he says, why won't he sacrifice the Florida trip??? Am I wrong to feel like I don't come first in his life? I mean when you are beginning to date, all you want to do is be with that person! Adivce please...should I just tell him to f-off for good or what?
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