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I dated a doctor. She was an emergency room physician. We didn't generally talk about her work. She generally worked the 'day shift' so our social interactions revolved around when she was available to socialize, just like they would for any of us who work. Some doctors are on call. She chose not to be. Being on-call would have provided additional compensation. She chose to forego that compensation package. Another doctor, having a different mindset, might not and pursue those extra hours and pay, accepting whatever detriment they posed to their personal lives. Everyone is different.
I honestly dont know whats weirder, your boyfriend acting so controlling, or you choosing to stay with him.
I went that Sunday...and we, well, had very intimate times. I'm not even that kind of girl and i believe he isnt that kind of guy. .... really. he expressed several times hes never done that. and i certainly believe him because I've NEVER done that. Never had sex so early while also Ive always ha to have exclusivity to have sex in a relationship.
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However, as I do know them well enough, I do know that they enjoy that attention. Oh, sure, they like to complain and such about their girls "not acting right", but many cases, they were doing bold things which might set their women off anyway!
I'm too nervous to go places alone (except for shopping). When I go to lunch or something, it is always with someone. For some reason, most of my friends are guys and hanging out with a guy, even if it is platonic, will not get you approached at all! Is it true that guys feel more comfortable flirting with girls who are alone?
#2. Sax...(listen to him, he will always make some kind of noise)