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Would appreciate advice, have situation, met a bloke from a website and have seen him 4 times, while he is a really nice bloke he hasn't made any move whatsoever, is this strange? It is just if he's not interested why is he wasting my time as I have given him every opportunity to disappear, last time he asked me out, though last night he didn't ask. I don't know but I don't think he has had a girlfriend before, last night he leant over and touched my hand so I took it in the cinema but then it went all limp and cold so I let it go. Do you think this is signalling disinterest from him! Not sure, should the first move should come from the male or the female, or do you think I am pushing things from being virtual strangers to a romantic capacity too quick?!
Thanks for the reply. Keep in mind when I say it shattered any sense of security I had regained....I was already in a somewhat fragile state from our near break up. If we hadn't gone through that, what he said wouldn't have had the same effect on me. Anyway, what he said was that he wished I would share more with him and that I never talk about anything. Strange, I know. We've been dating 6 months. I asked him what he meant...didn't we just spend two days together and did he feel like I didn't talk about anything that whole time? He said, "yes." This really surprised me because I've always thought we conversed quite well, and if he didn't think I talked about anything, how could we have been dating 6 months? I mean, wouldn't you get tired of someone if they literally never talked about anything.
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On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:57 PM, Red Rose wrote:
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I was going to keep the necklace in its jewerly box and hide it all around the special things she liked and tell her that her surprise is Blu rays, cookies, and candy and then she would enjoy it and find the necklace. Which do you think is more romantic? I told my girlfriend I was getting something but she has no clue what it is.
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Hubby waited three months for me but that was to do with my decision to test men out as I could not be doing with any further dead end relationships, aged 26. So saying if we had lived closer it would have been difficult to keep to this decision.
Being supportive and non-abusive is the absolute baseline of what one would want in a partner. Basic good qualities. No woman is going to pick a guy solely on those. She is going to have to be ATTRACTED.
I look at it like an employee stealing money out of the cash register and then admitting to it. I mean, I'm glad they admitted to it before I did inventory and realized the money was gone, but I still have to fire them. I probably wouldn't press charges in that situation, but they definitely wouldn't be employed.