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While I hate to admit it, I was this girl back in high school. Whenever the guy mentioned going out, I would completely ignore him and change the subject. Truth of the matter is, the girl probably likes it, but has low self esteem, at least I know for a fact that's what my problem was. If you keep her guessing about things, she will in fact keep in contact I would think. Compliment her here and there, but don't over do it. Simple things like, Oh that's so cute when you do ________. And then just leave it alone and see where she takes the conversation. Keep talking to her, just don't compliment her all of the time. If she hints around about it more times than not, then I would think she's interested, just shy. When she grows up, she'll realize how dumb she is b/c the guy that had me going that way is the guy I'm interested in five years later, after I've matured a bit. Good luck!
What can I say about moi? Yeah you men out there, I am overweight but i am currently on a weight loss journey to lose it. In my opinion it;s just more of me to love.lol. However,I can.
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I'm so glad to hear you're in a similar situation! Honestly I'm usually pretty good about feeling confident in my intellect despite my career choice, but sometimes it still gets to me. It's comforting to know that a class act like you has those doubts sometimes, too.
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