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To me, chivalry is helping or caring for another person in need. It could be helping an old person cross the road. Offering your seat for someone who is less mobile. It's stopping at a broken down car to make sure they are OK. Helping someone who's fallen over. Having a disabled son, I witness chivalry/absense of chivalry on a daily basis.
We find ourselves talking to a stranger at a social event. We start with "how do you know the host?" and have a conversation with asking about the bits of life they share with us. Do they ask anything about us in return? Nooooo
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I have been seeing a wonderful man for almost a year now. When we started out he had just broke up with a woman that he had been with for about 3 years. She passed away about 3 months after he left and he feels guilty. I know that he cares about me, because he has said so and has done little unexpected things to show it. The only problem I have is that he keeps telling me that he is not ready for a real relationship but when he is that I will be the one. I wasted 10 years of my life loving a man that never loved me back and I really don't want to go through that again. Should I give up or just hang in there?
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