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I am so easy going, but there are things that i am serious about in life. i am very honest and respect honesty in others. i can be shy but i have a lot of natural humor and i am often inspired to.
awesome. love those abs...
im outgoing and understandin.
Hates liars and cheater.
nice redhead!
I would have far more respect for him, had he been upfront about not only multi-dating but multi-sleeping around. In being open about it, you could have made an educated decision to continue dating him or not.
Is this how people wind up in Long term relationships? You should ask your friends who are in serious relationships or perhaps even MARRIED "how they met". And find out how the "man" got his current spouse or g/f.
I am at a point in life where I just enjoy the simple things in life like hanging out, walks in the late afternoon, engaging conversation, taking a movie and or dinner. I am a big fan of the ocean. .
I am not planning on breaking up any time soon. I will give it sometime, and see how things progress....but if it doesnt, then I may have to. Its hard being a relationship when u feel that you are not really getting to know them, and even harder when you dont really know how they feel....
Kids do grow up and get their own lives. Point is they are not always as dependent on you as they are as children, if they are there are serious other issues. Their ex's do go away to a degree but no they never go away permanently. But why is this an issue if the person you are with is with you and no longer with the ex? Yes adult children can ask for money and such but does not mean you have to give it to them. This is way over thinking it. There would be some sacrifice but only the person involved can decide if its worth it.