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Why would your Muslim bf find it okay to date you knowing that the chances that this relationship flourishes is impossible? I have to wonder whether he is AS in love as you are with him. I wonder if he is quite aware from the start that this type of relationship would not work...sorry, but can't help thinking along those terms.
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I give every one 3 dates, if they are willing, to see if we can connect. Often, this leads to sex, I’m amazed home many woman who tell me they really want to go slow, take their time to find the right person before going to the “next level,” only to sleep with me on the 2nd or 3rd date. And, NO, I’m not some super good looking guy who woman find irresistible, nor do I use seduction tricks, it simply happens.
OP's dude is marking time with her until his ex says the right thing for him to get back with her.
Different people date different ways, but I think the three day rule was always bad. My grandfather didn't wait three days to call my grandmother either. I'm not sure exactly when or why that rules was in vogue, but I have a feeling lots of great relationships avoided it then as well.
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