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Yes I understood that it was most recent guy who totally disappeared. But also thought this contractor guy "drifted" away which is some version of disappear to me as well. Ok, even if that wasn't a "bad" drifting, I stand by my original advice--no talk, let him pin you down.
that face she is making... so inviting looking
Be very careful here.
Hi Enigma, very sound advice. I like this guy I've just met but really wish we hadn't slept together so quickly so we could spend some time just getting to know each other. I've told him I'd like to rewind a bit and when we see each other again be friends and see what happens but is that just me being naive? I really don't want to mess him about but I guess I've been honest with him and he's happy with the situation so that's okay right? x
Or is this a new one? I'm starting to see a pattern.
What would you have done if you were in my shoes?
I'm in awe!
Also one of the signs of abuse is to make decisions without consulting and he got crisps for the movie, nothing else, when I never said I like them, and didn't ask me what I would like.
Thank GOD he chose wisely (for him) to free you to find the type of man who DOES want a kind, patient, understanding, loving and giving person. Have that (next) guy send him a thank-you note for being so f**ked in the head that he stayed in his own lane when choosing the equally-f**ked-in-the-head woman to be with.
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I have known shockingly beautiful women, who have had really terrible views of themselves, and accepted terrible treatment from men in their lives.
...but I've always had really low self esteem, and when I asked him why he doesn't he said "because I just don't want too" that's a great excuse... and earlier today we were talking about it and he said that "I don't see why our business has to be everyone else's" he doesn't post a lot on Facebook... but he is on it a lot
Another nice little one!
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3. Him putting a pic of you in your wedding dress as the screensaver on his phone is touching but if he's claiming to have done this so that it will hopefully prevent him from "doing something sinister", that's not all that reassuring if you ask me. His desire to be faithful to you should be deeply instilled and have no bearing on whether he has a picture of you to 'keep him on track.' He shouldn't be so weak and at risk of straying that he needs a picture of you to keep him faithful; the love and respect he has for you should already be enough.