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He probably wants to hook up more and get it out of his system. And, in the end when he's ready to be serious, still have me waiting at his side. That most definitely could be it.
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Is this Catholic nowadays ?
I visited Lana on Friday.
As requested Lana greeted me in an overcoat. I was invited into…"
My question is, wtf does this man want from me? His actions tell me he wants a relationship but his words are saying something different. Is he content with spending time and money on someone that he isn't serious about? I know he doesn't just want me for sex because if that was the case, he would have tried to bed me a long time ago. So what gives? He told me he is not dating anyone else and I believe him, he doesn't make that much money and he is currently unemployed. Would a broke man actually spend the little pennies he has on someone he didn't care about? Do you think he is waiting to financially get back on his feet before he gets in a relationship?
I told him that I can deal with him talking to her when we're out but not touching him AT ALL. He claims he'll punch her in the face if she touches him. This I would personally pay to see, but at the very least it should never get to the same point as it did last time.
He has not met you and so it is obvious that his dislike is based solely on protective father stuff, not anything to do with you at all. When you meet him, don't act nervous (he'll think you have something to hide). Be outgoing, but not too forward. Try to talk about generic things eg sport, current news etc. However, if you do want this to be a long-term thing, sit down and tell him exactly like it is, how you resepct his daughter, him; would never do anything to hurt her etc etc. If he thinks that you have the guts to look him in the eye, shake his hand and talk to him then he will appreciate you all the more for it.
A Cool Fun Foodie!! my Skype is kenny bor.
True. I wouldn't advise an atheist to go to church to find a mate!
I am a bussinessman,well educated and well traveled. I speak multi language.
I am on the verge of stopping reading this forum ! Its just obsurd - we see couples of all sorts, levels of attractiveness and what not in real life....just get intouch with reality please !