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I know I'm over-reacting, but I thought his overzealous response was a bit hurtful. What do you think?
There is bad news written all over this. End it and move on before she cheats on you, if she hasn't already.
All you can ask for her now that you wish her to love you, to trust you and to feel comfortable and free to tell you everything, including times when she prefer to be not with you, or any hurting other facts.
On the other hand, after a few days of mixed feelings I thought I got over her message. At least so I thought.
If trust issues were pre-existing, and they still haven't been dealt with, then they'll just cause problems in any relationship you ever have.
Probably meaningless, she wouldn't have been bothered one way or t'other, I'm sure you didn't figure in this at all for her.
if relationships break up - it's because the Trust, Respect and communication breaks down, between those people.
I am not narcissistic in anyway. In fact, all these thoughts are just on my head. I figured nobody in real life knows me personally so I might as well vent here on LS.
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"and felt guily, he told me at that time that I should never feel guilty about that, he stated hewasturned on by it."
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you love a guy, so what, get over it! move on! sheesh!
pretty sure i went to high school with her...class was a bit distracting, to say the least
Let me add that many times my ex attempted to finalize things with her previous boyfiriend. I would sit there and watch her tell him to move on to someone new, move away and realize that she was never coming back to him. The one thing I look back now at is that she was never ever willing to let go of the cord and tell him off and to never see and talk to him again. The 30NC agreement that she made is hogwash as well. It is another cord out there. Until she acknowledges that the ex was and is not the one for her and is comfortable that she made the right choice she should be off limits. This is done for you AGE, not her. Unless your willing and able to be the "rebound" and won't mind if this ex is the one to win her back in the future.